How to Calculate a Dose of Ozone for Ozone Therapy

Table of Contents

Imagine a pot of coffee.  Every morning there are two vital questions about this coffee.  “How much is there?” and “How strong is it?”.  

There may be 12 cups of coffee in a full pot.  This is the volume of coffee.

The coffee may be strong.  This is the concentration of coffee.
In the same way, we measure ozone gas.  “How much is there?” and “How strong is it?”  These questions refer to the ozone concentration and volume.  Once we understand both the concentration and volume, we can calculate the dose.

Ozone concentration

The concentration represents the strength of the ozone.  It is commonly measured in ug/ml (micrograms per milliliter) and rarely in mg/l (milligrams per liter).  We also use the word “gamma” to describe the concentration of ozone.  

Volume of gas

The volume of gas is represented by the quantity of gas.  It is usually measured in cubic centimeters (CC) or milliliters (ml).

This picture shows different concentrations but the same volume.  

Calculating the dose

A dose of ozone is often measured in micrograms (ug).  So we say things like, “He dosed the patient with 3,000 micrograms of ozone.”  

Calculating a dose of ozone is extremely easy.  You multiply the concentration by the volume.

(concentration in ug/ml) x (volume in ml) = (dose in ug)

So if we have a 10cc syringe with 30 gamma the following formula is applied:

(30ug/ml) x (10ml) = 300ug

You must know BOTH the concentration and volume to understand the dose.  Then multiply them together.

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